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Shark Guardian 6 month review – what a busy 2017 so far!

Writer's picture: Shark GuardianShark Guardian

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

Time to review the first six months of 2017. Dive Centre education and dive/snorkel courses, school presentations in Thailand, dive shows in Thailand and Singapore and South African schools and diving. 2017 has certainly started busy for Shark Guardian UK Charity! More than 10,000 people have seen Shark Guardian in action so far this year – the second half will continue to be action packed as Shark Guardian strive to educate as many people as possible about sharks and conservation.

January 2017

Shark education workshop on Koh Lanta

Shark Guardian spent time on Koh Lanta on the west coast of Thailand. Shark Guardian dive centers there held small workshops for staff to get everyone up to speed with the Shark Guardian flip chart. This is a fabulous educational tool to spread shark education and encourage citizen science research around the world. More use of the flip chart in January as well as over the coming high season in Khao Lak, educated guests as well as staff.

February 2017

Shark education Phuket Schools

Shark Guardian enjoyed returning to the British International School in Phuket, Thailand. Since the visit, older students have worked to educate others as well as raising money for the Shark Guardian charity. In addition to visiting International Schools, Shark Guardian is enjoying visiting local schools in Thailand. Kings School R35 near Khao Lak in the Phang Nga province of Thailand enjoyed a visit by Directors Liz and Brendon in February.

More presentations in Thailand including the British International School in Phuket

Collecting ghost nets with a film crew in Khao Lak, Thailand

Shark Guardian Filming Ghost Nets

Shark Guardian Directors Brendon and Elizabeth participated in a film documentary that focuses on discarded fishing nets in Thailand. These nets are also otherwise known as ghost nets. These nets are very dangerous for both marine fish life, sharks and coral reefs.

March 2017

Shark Guardian Meets with IUCN Thailand

An important meeting with staff from the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of of Thailand) allowed Brendon and Liz to share 3 years worth of citizen science research data. Data for eOceans will now be discussed and shared with other Thailand government agencies as Brendon and Liz continue to work for better protection of sharks and marine life in Thailand waters.

Shark education Bangkok Schools

Director Brendon Sing was busy in Bangkok at the end of March presenting to several thousand students at 4 different schools over the space of 4 days! The tour rounded off with a fantastic fun day and fundraising swim at KPIS International School – a yearly event that really has the school focused on raising awareness of the importance of sharks.

April 2017

Shark Guardian at ADEX (Asia Dive Expo) in Singapore

Shark Guardian had a fantastic few days in Singapore at the ADEX dive show in early April. A group of volunteers ensured the kids zone was fully manned and full of fun and colourful activities to keep the next generation entertained!

At the end of April the Directors were proud to do a presentation and support Shark Guardian Dive Centre Master Divers on Koh Tao on the east coast of Thailand. Master Divers launched their first Shark Guardian diver program to a visiting group of Dutch students.

May 2017

Shark Guardian at TDEX (Thailand Dive Expo) and more schools

Shark Guardian Director Liz Ward-Sing collaborated with other NGO’s at the Thailand dive and travel show in Bangkok. Our Childrens Book ‘Sharks – Our Ocean Guardians’ was finally translated and printed in Thai. This is now ready to be distributed to schools throughout Thailand for FREE. And Liz also had a busy few days on Koh Samui visiting schools on the east of Thailand in May.

June & Beyond 2017

Shark Guardian in South Africa Schools

At the start of June Shark Guardian Directors headed to South Africa to spread their shark education in schools, as well as do some awesome shark diving. The 2017 Sardine Run Expedition starts in the next few days and Shark Guardian hope to share some amazing shark experience with a group of divers.

So far 2017 has also seen hundreds of books sent around the world, educational materials to schools, community locations and dive centres, increased data collection for eshark in more countries, skype educational sessions and sharing cool photos and weekly awesome shark facts on social media. New Shark Guardian Dive Centres are also currently being signed up – please bear with us as South Africa keeps Brendon and Liz very very busy!


Shark Guardian UK Charity #1152654

Shark and marine conservation worldwide


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