Junior Shark Membership
The next generation of Shark Guardians starts here

The Shark Guardian 'Junior Shark Membership' is aimed for children between the ages 3-12 years old. Shark Guardian wants to inspire and create the next generation of shark guardians and that is the purpose of this membership. Shark Guardian Junior Members will be supporting Shark Guardian to help protect sharks around the world!
For only £3.00 per month (£36.00 per year) donation, the Shark Guardian 'Junior Shark Membership' is valid for 1 year. The Junior Shark membership can be renewed each year (optional).

Junior Shark Member
Every year
Kids Membership (3-12 years) only £3.00 per month
Membership certificate (PDF)
Shark Guardian T-Shirt
Shark Guardian Wristband
Shark Guardian Book - Sharks Our Ocean Guardians
Sharks activity book (PDF): Includes labeling sharks, how to draw sharks, card games and word searches
Shark coloring sheets
News and blog subscription